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Basit anwar_Langgeng Mustakim_Muhamad Irfangi_Nanang Riyanto_Teguh Andri Widodo_Yosi Aprizal

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Prayer For My Best Friend

The youth is note one who proud of his father
But, he is the one who proud of himself
Prepare your self for the future
To get the happiness in your life

The young age is an exploration
The soul hasn't been stable yet
The soul is full of hope and dreaming

A choice makes him in confusion
Use your time for knowledge
As provisions for your future
A youth without knowledge

In old age, he'll regret
Be patient to stop your life
Be a man in truth
Please, you must know your confidence

That the patient man is always within God's love
Don't make a dissension
Because, it causes a lose
Don't pass use your life in denial
Make your life useful for all people